Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação

O saber matemático informal e o conhecimento matemático formal: um diálogo necessário entre a sala de aula e as práticas informais da comunidade pesqueira de Curuperé-Curuçá-PA

The teaching of mathematics is traditionally based on aspects that are not in full compliance with current educational demands, since the methods used are still of little dynamic and contexts that do not encompass the different types of knowledge that occur in the social environment. In turn, the...

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Autor principal: NATIVIDADE, Mayara Monteiro
Grau: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: 2022
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The teaching of mathematics is traditionally based on aspects that are not in full compliance with current educational demands, since the methods used are still of little dynamic and contexts that do not encompass the different types of knowledge that occur in the social environment. In turn, the National Curricular Common Base- BNCC proposes an approximation between school and non-school knowledge as a way of consolidating a more significant learning in Basic Education. This research aims to analyze how the informal mathematical knowledge used by the fishing community can dialogue with the formal knowledge taught in classrooms, with a view to contributing to making the teaching and learning of the mathematics curriculum component more meaningful. Therefore, the research focuses on the cultural and traditional knowledge of fishermen from the community of Curuperé, municipality of Curuçá, as a way of associating formal and informal mathematical knowledge, enabling different contexts with regard to teaching and learning in the classroom. Based on the discussions between the authors and the objects of research focused on, it was found that it is possible to use methodologies that aim at a more dynamic and innovative teaching of mathematics based on the valorization and dialogue between the different mathematical knowledge present in the social environment. Therefore, this research provided important discussions and approaches regarding a more democratic teaching of mathematics, whose practices need to have the student and their experiences as protagonists. The study evidenced knowledge, tradition and culture of fishermen from a little-known community in the State of Pará, which denotes an importance beyond the academic, since it has a rescue and inclusion character.