
A Cogestão de recursos em reserva extrativista da Amazônia: o caso da Resex Terra Grande-Pracuúba, Pará, Brasil

The Extractive Reserves (Resex) of the Amazon represent a natural laboratory for studies of models of co-management of shared resources between the State (manager) and communities (residents). The premise of a shared management or co-management model starts from the construction of cooperation...

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Autor principal: MAGNO, Giselle Gomes
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2023
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br:8080/jspui/handle/2011/15396
The Extractive Reserves (Resex) of the Amazon represent a natural laboratory for studies of models of co-management of shared resources between the State (manager) and communities (residents). The premise of a shared management or co-management model starts from the construction of cooperation between individuals and/or institutions that use resources through participatory mechanisms and processes implemented to create support for the cooperation of groups that use resources (eg, territory, extractive area and natural resources). This study analyzes the adherence of the governance system of the Resex Terra Grande-Pracuúba, located on Ilha de Marajó, Pará, Brazil, to the principles considered necessary for the construction of an effective co-management for the governance of common use resources. In addition to identifying the relationship of forces between the State and the traditional population in the management of resources and in the use of the territory, mainly in decision-making and in conflict resolution, evaluating the arenas of concertation and their relationships. The study made it possible to identify, through documents and interviews, some principles that reached greater maturity in the implementation eg: Defined limits, Congruence between appropriation and provision rules and local conditions, Minimum recognition of organizational rights; Nested enterprises) and where improvement is needed (eg, Collective Choice Arrangements; Monitoring; Graduated Sanctions; Conflict Resolution Mechanisms). The hierarchical relationship between the decision-making arenas exist (local meetings would support the meetings by poles, which in turn would support the Management Board). However, they are still fragile in terms of their frequency, functioning and protagonism of communities and ICMBio in issues associated with co-management of the territory. The transgression of governance principles for the use of resources and territory can be illustrated both by the lack of fundamental management instruments for the administration of the RESEX, such as a Management Plan, which makes it difficult to organize economic and environmental actions on the use of resources within the Unit, but also (and mainly) due to the ineffectiveness of the co management instruments already implemented. The good participation of the actors indicates that there is interest in these spaces, however bureaucratic and unilateral interests can inhibit active participation. The analysis of the co-management of the Terra Grande-Pracuúba Extractive Reserve concludes that the governance system implemented was not effective in the shared management of the use of natural resources and territory. In addition, decision-making in collective arenas presented difficulties in applying the rules for the use of natural resources and territory for the pacification of conflicts, for the reproduction of the traditional way of life and for the support of cooperation between groups of users.