
A violência homicida no espaço urbano de Altamira: o fator Belo Monte e a cartografia dos homicídios

During the construction and completion of the UHE Belo Monte from 2010 to 2020, the city of Altamira experienced an exponential increase in rates related to violence and crime, reaching alarming levels as a result of the problems arising from the project in the region. This increase in violenc...

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Autor principal: OLIVEIRA, Igor Renan Araujo
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2023
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br:8080/jspui/handle/2011/15405
During the construction and completion of the UHE Belo Monte from 2010 to 2020, the city of Altamira experienced an exponential increase in rates related to violence and crime, reaching alarming levels as a result of the problems arising from the project in the region. This increase in violence and crime spread with force in all directions in the urban space of Altamira, affecting especially the population directly impacted by the project and the local youth. Of all the crimes that had their growth leveraged, homicide is the one that draws most attention in this period, because it is the most dramatic face of urban violence, it can be seen then that this type of crime gains strength to be reproduced with more intensity from the moment that the works of the UHE Belo Monte begin to be built. Thus, of the 11 municipalities affected by the construction of the plant, the city of Altamira, being the center of this region and concentrating the largest number of services, was the city most impacted by Belo Monte. In this way, this work is born with the intention of launching itself to the challenge of discussing and analyzing more deeply the phenomena of violence and criminality, using Belo Monte as a catalyst event of old and new problems in urban space, thus contributing to the production of knowledge, to the studies of violence and criminality in this municipality, in the light of Geography, enabling an understanding of the phenomenon, of its dimension and intensity. Based on these premises, the general objective of this dissertation is to analyze and understand the spatial dynamics of violence and criminality in Altamira, what are its causes and implications in urban space, having as a catalyst of these problems the construction of the Belo Monte Hydroelectric Plant and its relationship with the indicators of violence.