
Ensino de História e educação patrimonial no trato com as relações étnico-raciais no ambiente escolar

Educating ethnic-racial relations in the school environment is a way to cooperate with the exercise of citizenship in a broad way. And, in this task, the teaching of history contributes to the formation of citizens capable of exercising citizenship and collaborating for its maintenance and expansion...

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Autor principal: MOREIRA, Catarina da Silva
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2023
Acesso em linha: https://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/15463
Educating ethnic-racial relations in the school environment is a way to cooperate with the exercise of citizenship in a broad way. And, in this task, the teaching of history contributes to the formation of citizens capable of exercising citizenship and collaborating for its maintenance and expansion. In this perspective, the dissertation entitled "Teaching History and Heritage Education in dealing with Ethnic-Racial Relations in the School Environment" seeks to understand the sociability processes among students in the environment of the EEFM Dr. Pádua Costa School, in Santa Bárbara do Pará, investigating what are the prejudices surrounding ethnic-racial relations and their effects on students' school life. The methodology used for research was school ethnography and action research, the results of which showed forms of ethnic-racial prejudice involving sociability in the school environment under study, which are linked to the ethnic and social origin of students. Research on this theme in the field of education and psychology, showed that the situations of ethnic-racial prejudice, cause negative affects on the self-esteem and identity of the subjects. In view of the results, a proposal for teaching history with heritage education is presented, seeking to know and recognize the heritage references and memories of Afro-Brazilian, indigenous, caboclo, rural and riverside matrixes that circulate in the school routine and in its surroundings. Through such pedagogical practice, it is intended to cooperate with the education of ethnic-racial relations as a way of overcoming prejudices in the school environment. As a product of this didactic experience, a video and a podcast were developed on the patrimonial references and memories that circulate in the school routine and its surroundings.