
A religião nos limites da crítica kantiana da razão

The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the theme of radical evil (radikales Böse). This theme, as we will see, has implications for Kant's practical philosophy, especially after the philosopher completed the formulation of the Critical Project, which involves the three Critiques. Such...

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Autor principal: SANTOS, Fladerny Marques dos
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2023
Acesso em linha: https://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/15789
The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the theme of radical evil (radikales Böse). This theme, as we will see, has implications for Kant's practical philosophy, especially after the philosopher completed the formulation of the Critical Project, which involves the three Critiques. Such implications precede the examination of the theme conducted in the work The religion within the limits of simple reason (1793). In this sense, the aforementioned link is directly exposed in this work, but it is not exhausted therein. Therefore, in our examination, initially, we are interested in discussing the main elements of Kant's argumentation, which are like necessary conditions and broaden the horizon in which the religious theme combined with the conception of evil receives the deserved prominence in the panorama of transcendental philosophy. The notion of radical evil cannot be summarized as a religious or anthropological thesis, so our research will argue that Kant's work on Religion is in line with his earlier works on morality.