
Direitos educacionais quilombolas e os desafios para efetivação na comunidade quilombola de Inhanhum, município de Santa Maria da Boa Vista, Pernambuco

The rights currently recognized for the black population, in the Brazilian legal system, are the result of the struggles of the black people, with their different forms of organizations and demands. The realization of these rights goes through the continuity of struggles, in confronting structured i...

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Autor principal: OLIVEIRA, João Aparecido dos Santos
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2023
Acesso em linha: https://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/16086
The rights currently recognized for the black population, in the Brazilian legal system, are the result of the struggles of the black people, with their different forms of organizations and demands. The realization of these rights goes through the continuity of struggles, in confronting structured institutional racism in Brazilian society and in socio-political intervention actions, together with the Brazilian state. This work analyzes the challenges in realizing quilombola educational rights in the Quilombola Territory of Inhanhum, municipality of Santa Maria da Boa Vista, Pernambuco. The general objective is to analyze the challenges that exist in realizing quilombola educational rights in Quilombo de Inhanhum. And as a specific objective we established: (a) analyze access to education by black people in the history of Brazil; (b)highlight the history of the quilombos’ struggle to gain rights in Brazilian territory; and (c) identify the main challenges for realizing quilombola educational rights in the Quilombola Territory of Inhanhum. In addition to the bibliographic review and documentary analysis, the research was also developed with an ethnographic study and the methodology of participant observation. Considering that the researcher is a member of Quilombo de Inhanhum - inserted in the context of the research. For this reason, not distancing ourselves from the researched reality is intentional, as it enriches and qualifies the work. In the first section, we analyze access to formal education by black people, in the history of Brazil, considering the legal regulation of formal education and the treatment of black people, for the purposes of accessing or not accessing educational services. Next, we highlight how quilombola educational rights are recognized in Brazilian legislation. In the second section, we describe the reality of resistance and historical struggle of quilombos, to gain rights in Brazil and we talk about the struggle of Quilombo de Inhanhum, against the Riacho Seco Dam project and for the right to remain in their territory. In the third section, we discuss formal education in the history of the Quilombola Community of Inahnhum and the process of organizing the community within the scope of self-definition. When analyzing the challenges in implementing the educational rights of the quilombolas of Inhanhum, we identified that the main existing challenge is the lack of interest of the Municipal Government of Santa Maria da Boa Vista in implementing quilombola school education in the Quilombola Territory of Inhanhum.