
Acesso à educação em uma comunidade quilombola como instrumento de cidadania e direitos humanos: análise do modelo educacional da Comunidade Barra da Aroeira em Santa Tereza do Tocantins nos anos de 2012 a 2018

The present article aimed to analyze the educational model applied in the quilombola community Barra da Aroeira in Santa Tereza do Tocantins, from 2012 to 2018. The fundamental right to education has historically been blocked to the black population. In this sense, the work aimed to identify nationa...

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Autor principal: Silva, Leandro Ferreira da
Grau: Artigo
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2020
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The present article aimed to analyze the educational model applied in the quilombola community Barra da Aroeira in Santa Tereza do Tocantins, from 2012 to 2018. The fundamental right to education has historically been blocked to the black population. In this sense, the work aimed to identify national policies to guarantee the right to education in black communities throughout history, making a contrast with the educational model applied in the community. It’s also sought to reflect on access to education as a fundamental social right. Methodologically, the work was done under the aspect of bibliographic-documentary research, developed on the basis of pre-constituted material such as books, scientific articles, existing legal and infralegal grounds, data from the Ministry of Education and “prova” Brazil. Based on the data obtained, an analysis was made of the results achieved by the school unit in the evaluations of the Ministry of Education, especially after the publication of Resolution nº 08/2012, National Guidelines for School Education Quilombola. It was found that the school unit is classified as a rural school, located in the quilombola community, includes social inclusion and diversity in its pedagogical objectives, however, there is a mismatch between the policies applied in the school unit with the National Guidelines.