
Etnomatemática quilombola: as relações dos saberes da matemática dialógica com as práticas socioculturais dos remanescentes de quilombo do Mola-Itapocu/PA

The research, etnomatemática quilombola: as relações dos saberes da matemática dialógica com as práticas socioculturais dos remanescentes de quilombo do Mola-Itapocu/PA (quilombola etnomathematic: the relationships between of the knowledge about the mathematics dialoging with the sociocultural pract...

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Autor principal: LEÃO, Jacinto Pedro Pinto
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: Portuguese
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2011
Acesso em linha: http://www.repositorio.ufpa.br:8080/jspui/handle/2011/1751
The research, etnomatemática quilombola: as relações dos saberes da matemática dialógica com as práticas socioculturais dos remanescentes de quilombo do Mola-Itapocu/PA (quilombola etnomathematic: the relationships between of the knowledge about the mathematics dialoging with the sociocultural practices of the remainders of the Mola- Itapocu/PA quilombo), accomplished from June to December in 2004, it was guided in the study of case etnographic. The basic question of this dissertation is the preoccupations about how is the relationships between sociocultural practices web of mathematical knowledge and the school mathematics, without denying its meanings and its sense, what is living in the (re) construction of the daily memories of the remainders of mola quilombo? This investigation had had as objectives: to identify the meanings attributed by the molenses, its sociocultural practices, connected to mathematical knowledge of the local culture, and to establish some relationships between the school mathematics and the mathematics practiced by the remainders of Mola-Itapocu/PA quilombo, without releasing its meanings and its the memories of the daily existences of the private context. In the chapter I, I talk about critical reflections concerning the relationships between the practices of the daily life and etnomathematic knowledge, related to the memories of the existences of the remainders of mola quilombo. I begin talking about the memories of the non-school mathematics, followed by plurals knowledge of the mathematical practices; then, I launch the look inside of the lunges positivists, to evidence as web denies the daily life etnomathematic knowledge. In the chapter II, I make a brief analysis of the different present rationalities in the (ethno) science, watching the faces of the ethno science, modern science and of the postmodern science. In the third chapter, I build the analysis under the convergences and the divergences between mathematical knowledge and school mathematics, linked to the web: walking in arid lands of the logic formal mathematics; the etnomathematic knowledges; the re-entrances of the etnomathematic with the complexity of the life and the logical dialoging of the etnomathematic. In the room, I evidence the existent differences between the research experimental positivist and the qualitative research, for, soon after, to weave the possible relationships dialoging of the research ethnographic with the etnomathematic, and in the fifth, with base in the speeches and in the observations of the sociocultural existences mathematical knowledge of the informers, I establish some relationships among them local mathematical knowledge molense and the school mathematics. In this context, beginning revisiting the history of the education of the field shortly; followed by the webs of the relationships between the sociocultural practices and the mathematical dialoging of the molenses; last, I weave the literacy of the webs mathematical knowledge and knowledge about the sociocultural practices. The quilombola etnomathematic, unceasingly, built in the relationships of the mathematical dialoging with the molenses practices educational, it evidenced the language, the memories and the representations of the mathematical knowledge and ethno scientific, articulated to the possible relationships with knowledge about the mathematics scholar of the teaching multiseriado.