
Expansão da educação superior no Pará: programas Expandir e Reuni e a composição de quadros docente dos campi da Universidade Federal do Pará (2001-2010)

The Higher Education expansion through federal public universities it’s the main opinion of MEC expressed in two programs created by The Lula government: Programa de Expansão da Educação Superior Pública/EXPANDIR (2003-2006) and Programa de Apoio a Planos de Expansão e Reestruturação de Universidade...

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Autor principal: SOUSA, Maria Páscoa Sarmento de
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2013
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/3338
The Higher Education expansion through federal public universities it’s the main opinion of MEC expressed in two programs created by The Lula government: Programa de Expansão da Educação Superior Pública/EXPANDIR (2003-2006) and Programa de Apoio a Planos de Expansão e Reestruturação de Universidades Federais/REUNI – 2007/2012. This present work intends to analyse the implementation of these policies within the Federal University of Pará as subsidies to ensure the expansion policy of IES, based on the philosophy multicampi university and the notion of regional vocations. Assist us in interpreting the authors: Santos (2010), Trigueiro (2003), Dourado (2002) Fialho (2005), Freitas (2005), Yu and Façanha (2011), Lima (2011) Souza and Shibata (2011), and others. The text presents the scenario of higher education policy between 80’s decade and 2010. Explain about the course of multicampi policy construction at UFPA and seeks to establish the relationship between the adoption of this management philosophy and the growth and composition of the teaching staff of the campus. It analyzes the internal processes of management and decision in this complex university organization and structured as a professional bureaucracy, evidenced by the choices and directions taken by their leaders in the conduct of macro policies of the MEC to organize / structure the teaching staff of their academic of the regional unities (the campi). This analysis identifies an inequity in the distribution of vacancies for effective teachers at the UFPA campuses, the result of an organizational strategy, decisions and choices - based on the philosophy of expanding regional economic vocations - who chose to invest in some priority over other campuses. Policy initiated in 1998 on the lines of action for III Projeto Norte de Interiorização 1998-2001 (III PNI) and culminated in the distribution of resources in Programas EXPANDIR and REUNI.