
Frequência e diversidade de enteroparasitos veiculados por hortaliças comercializadas na cidade de Belém-PA e sua relação com a sazonalidade climática

The intestinal parasites are an important healthy problem to human population worldwide. The consumption of vegetables is one of the major routes of transmission of this pathogens. This study aimed to determine the frequency and diversity of intestinal parasites transmitted by vegetables sold in...

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Autor principal: BORGES, Samuel da Luz
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2013
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/3893
The intestinal parasites are an important healthy problem to human population worldwide. The consumption of vegetables is one of the major routes of transmission of this pathogens. This study aimed to determine the frequency and diversity of intestinal parasites transmitted by vegetables sold in the metropolitan region of Belém-PA and its relation to the seasonal climate of the region. It was used 252 samples of three species of vegetables, of which 84 were of lettuce (Lactuca sativacurly variety), 84 were watercress (Nasturtium officinale) and 84 were coriander (Coriandrum sativum) purchased in open markets, gardens and in a supermarket, from November of 2008 to December of 2009. Each samples was washed with 500ml of PBS, permitting the spontaneous sedimentation and centrifuging 30 ml of the final sediment. The final sediment was analyzed in an optical microscope. The levels of contamination of the three species of vegetables were obtained by the monthly average of intestinal parasite structures identified in each vegetable and by the total number of parasites identified in the samples of each open market, garden and supermarket. In the results obtained in the microscopic analysis of samples were applied the Chi-square and Fisher's Exact Test to determine the existence or not of significant differences between these results. It was used the significance level α ≤ 0.05. This microscopic analysis showed a contamination of 100% of the samples at open markets, gardens and supermarket included in the study, there isn’t statistical difference in overall frequency of parasites among them. Strongyloides stercoralis was the most prevalent parasite, followed by complex Entamoeba histolytic / dispar and the hookworms, both in samples from the gardens, as in samples of the open markets and the supermarket. The cress and lettuce had higher rates of parasitic contamination that coriander. It had been characterized seasonal influence on the intensity of parasites in vegetables investigated because there was statistical difference between the results obtained with a higher prevalence of parasites in samples of summer, for the samples of winter. There wasn’t also statistically significant difference between the monthly averages of contamination of vegetables sold in open markets, gardens and supermarket, indicating that the hygienic conditions under which the vegetables are sold, although important to keep their flavors, have less influence on levels of parasitic contamination, which seems to be associated with the place and growing conditions these plants. These datas permit a good level of comparison to future studies.