
Prospecção de biocida em plantas amazônicas e exóticas, visando seu uso racional

The main method of controlling the cattle tick Boophilus microplus is the use of chemical acaricides during the parasite phase. However, the intense use of this method is causing economic damage and promoting the rapid selection of resistant ticks. Besides the risk of residues in milk, in meat and...

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Autor principal: DANTAS, Eneida Pontes Mota
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2014
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/4713
The main method of controlling the cattle tick Boophilus microplus is the use of chemical acaricides during the parasite phase. However, the intense use of this method is causing economic damage and promoting the rapid selection of resistant ticks. Besides the risk of residues in milk, in meat and environmental contamination. Within this context, the use of herbal points out as an alternative to control the tick and can reduce the economic and environmental impacts of the use of synthetic chemicals. On this way, the purpose of this study was to evaluate "in vitro" the effect of essential oils of grass-salsa (Cymbopogon winteranius Jowitt) and priprioca (Cyperus articulatus L.), chemicals isolated substances from timbó (Derris nicou; Derris urucu): rotenone, rotenolone and degueline and Andiroba’s oil (Carapa guianensis Aublet.) and neem (Azadirachta indica A. Juss.) in the control of ticks. The searches were conducted on the premises of the Animal Research Unit "Sen. Álvaro Adolpho, of "the Brazilian Enterprise for Agricultural Research - Embrapa Eastern Amazon, in the city of Belém, state of Pará, in the period from March to July of 2008. The engorged females of Boophilus microplus were collected manually, from naturally infected cattle on private property located within an hour of Belém. After collection, they were transported to the laboratory in plastic containers, marked, cleaned and aerated. In the laboratory, they were rinsed in running water, dried on absorbent paper and weighed on analytical balance (accuracy of 0.0001 g). The methodology used was the immersion of teleogines by time of five minutes. After soaking, the ticks were dried on absorbent paper, set in petri dishes and kept at room temperature for completion of the posture. Throughout the trial period the temperature and relative humidity was measured in the laboratory using a termohigrometer. The experimental design used was completely randomized. The percentage of mortality of engorged females of B. microplus, on 5 and 15, varied: 45% to 90%, 37% to 90% and 60 to 90%, 60% to 90% for grass-salsa and priprioca respectively. The results for the stance showed no statistical difference between the concentrations 2% and 10% on the control (water + ethanol). However, there was a difference in the concentration 50% for both grass-salsa as priprioca. For grass-salsa, this concentration was observed egg laying infertile. Regarding the percentage of efficiency of the product, the values obtained were: 100%; 95.63%, 98.77%, 100% and 99,30%, 96,97%, 99,85% and 100% to the effects of essential oil of salsa and grass-priprioca concentrations 2%, 5%, 10%, 50%, respectively. Mortality rates, on the 5th , ranged from 37% to 41%, 49% to 64% and 52% to 41% for rotenone, rotenolone and degueline from low to high concentration, respectively. All substances tested showed significantly higher mortality rate than those obtained by the control group (water + ethanol). The best results were posture of percentage of 49% and 26% for the rotenone degueline and 200ppm, respectively and 34% for rotenolone at 100ppm. The percentage of efficiency in tests with rotenone were 95.24% and 98.68% for rotenolone the order of 97.29%, 98.08%, 100% and degueline 95.45%, 98.23% and 100 %, from 100ppm, 200ppm and 300ppm, respectively. To andiroba and neem, the percentage of mortality was observed on 15 and has a natural behavior of the life cycle of ticks because there was no statistical difference between the control (water + ethanol) and treatments in different concentrations. To andiroba and neem the higher efficiency obtained was 98,01% and 100%, at concentration 50%, respectively.