
O instituido e o vivido na formação docente para educação inclusiva: representações sociais de professores egressos do Curso de Licenciatura em Biologia do IFPA

This study's purpose is the social representations of graduates of the Bachelor's Degree in Biology from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará - IFPA about their teacher training in the perspective of school inclusion of students with disabilities. The issue was orien...

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Autor principal: MELO, Ermelinda Nóbrega de Magalhães
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2015
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/6224
This study's purpose is the social representations of graduates of the Bachelor's Degree in Biology from the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Pará - IFPA about their teacher training in the perspective of school inclusion of students with disabilities. The issue was oriented with a focus on social representations announced by teachers about their training for inclusion. The main objective of the study was to analyze the process of construction of social representations of graduates of degrees of IFPA about her teacher training with a view to inclusion. The methodology followed a qualitative approach - descriptive - interpretative - Analytical with the intention of hearing what these teachers have to say about the inclusion of special students, as these representations are constructed and what their reflection in the action of the individual. It is a field research and aimed to deepen our knowledge of the subject studied. The research subjects were 10 teachers coming graduates from the field of natural sciences who agreed to participate in this study. The research data were collected through the questionnaire for the realization of socio-economic survey, the interview mode semi-structured with the intention of seizing the verbal discourse of teachers that were taken as a revealing source of social representations; Technique and Free Word Association aimed to highlight relevant images of possible representations of teachers. To understand the data analysis technique in categorical content perspective Bardin was used. Analyzing the data showed that the interviewees considering the units of meaning on certain aspects that permeate the Inclusive Education and Teacher Training, highlight issues such as dialectical relations between inclusion and exclusion, affection and knowledge, theory and practice, as well as conflicting notes that indicate certain professional anxieties. Thus the results show that teachers' representations about the object of study are presented in different ways, revealing the need for resizing educational, professional and structural actions and beliefs are allied to the conventions and traditions that throughout history and educational culture has reinforced the image of the pupil with special educational needs, disabilities associated with designing and student who flees the model established by society. The survey also reveals social representations that permeate the psychosocial constructs on Inclusive Education and training, indicating that among the prioritized values and knowledge to think and consequently act are strongly linked acceptance of differences from solitary actions, ie, a role individual.