
A dimensão afetiva nas representações sociais de docentes da pós-graduação em educação

This study addresses the affective dimension in the social representations of teachers of postgraduate education, specifically the teaching of the Graduate Programs in Education at the Federal University of Pará and the University of the State of Pará The objective of this investigation was to exami...

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Autor principal: RODRIGUES, Sônia Eli Cabral
Grau: Tese
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2015
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/6276
This study addresses the affective dimension in the social representations of teachers of postgraduate education, specifically the teaching of the Graduate Programs in Education at the Federal University of Pará and the University of the State of Pará The objective of this investigation was to examine the constitutive processes of social representations of teachers on PPGEDs of affection, to elucidate the implications in their work. It is a study focused on psychosocial processes, ways of knowing, know and feel the resulting constructions and shared among teachers acquisitions, from interactions with others in their work context. The theoretical approach we have adopted the Theory of Social Representations of Serge Moscovici (1978) referenced in the procedural approach developed by Jodelet (2001) and collaborators. About affectivity in embasamos the assumptions of Freud and Wallon, they conceive affection as an essential dimension of human development, which is from the affections and affective relations, subject to feelings of ambivalence. Affect and are affected by love, hate, envy, joy, pleasure, loneliness, fear, fraternity. It is a qualitative and quantitative research that sought to understand the senses and meanings attributed by the teachers surveyed. The instruments for data collection were: an online application form and interview deepening. The characterization of the participating teachers PPGEDs and issues related to affection and teaching work were analyzed using SPSS software, and the information from the interviews were subjected to content analysis according to Bardin (1977), Franco (2003) and Birth (2002). From the thematic analysis of the speech of the teachers found the existence of three dimensions that organize the RS group studied, namely: cognitive, ethical and political, relational and affective. These two central dimensions structure trends objectivations and anchors the representations of teachers of PPGED UFPA and UEPA on affectivity. The first indicates a strong tendency to reframe the social representations of teachers in affectivity. These images reveal senses and settled on sharing, dialogue, respect for teachers among themselves . The second trend indicates that social representations of teachers are anchored in the rationalization of psychosocial processes on affectivity, ie, the reified universe. In this trend, the subgroups of interest from their opinions, beliefs and ideologies prevails. These two trends imply distinct affective relationships in their work in postgraduate education. We find that the dynamics surrounding the affective dimension in relations between teachers in graduate programs in education contributes to the maintenance and / or renewal of the social representations shared and communicated these academic contexts.