
Consistência e uso das informações sobre ameaça no processo participativo de indicação de áreas prioritárias para a conservação da Amazônia

Despite academic progress, planning for conservation has failed in performing actions that prioritize biodiversity conservation. New strategies have been proposed to increase the effectiveness of conservation plans, including the realization of decision-making processes with broad participation, fac...

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Autor principal: CASTRO, Rodrigo Baia
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2016
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/7183
Despite academic progress, planning for conservation has failed in performing actions that prioritize biodiversity conservation. New strategies have been proposed to increase the effectiveness of conservation plans, including the realization of decision-making processes with broad participation, facilitate social acceptance of the shares. This article analyzes how information about the threats were used in the decision-making for indicating priority areas for the conservation of the Amazon, in the coordination of the Brazilian Government in 2006 process. First we verified the consistency of information on threats attributed to new areas indicated, and then assess whether the existence, levels and types of threats defined by the participants influenced the indication areas for conservation. The results show that there have been some successes in recognition of threats, but also some inconsistencies, especially in assigned levels and types of low intensity threats such as fishing. The decision making process is also not fully used this information for the indication of areas for conservation. The lack of information about the motivations of these inconsistencies leave no doubt as to the presence of political opportunism, but point out that the participatory process should be allocated a larger effort to combine the participatory decision support systems process in order to generate a priority order more quantitative and less dependent on the individual selection of the participants, to reflect more directly to actual emergency deployment.