
A argumentação em práticas de leitura e (re) escrita com alunos de 4.ª etapa da EJA de uma escola municipal de São Luís

This study analyzes and characterizes the reading and rewriting productions of the genre argumentative letter of the students from the 4th EJA step of a school from the municipal educational system of São Luís, with a view to identifying skills and competencies in the use of discursive-argumentative...

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Autor principal: SOARES, Rosangela Diniz
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2017
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/8028
This study analyzes and characterizes the reading and rewriting productions of the genre argumentative letter of the students from the 4th EJA step of a school from the municipal educational system of São Luís, with a view to identifying skills and competencies in the use of discursive-argumentative resources in written production of the genre argumentative letter that these students have already developed, as well as the difficulties that deserve to be remedied. In this attempt, there’s a reflection about the socio-discursive and interactional conception that guides the study of the language, facing the discursive practices of verbal interaction, which only takes place in real situations of speech and writing and is materialized in the form of textual genres, especially those of argumentative bias. It presents also the concepts of text, gender and discourse from the perspective of Text Linguistics (LT), which sees them as action and not abstraction. Also in this socio-discursive perspective, the argumentation is effective as resource to access the citizenship, as it enables students of EJA questioning their social rights. And for the seizure of data that gave the chance of verification of the difficulties aforementioned, it was used questionnaires and analysis of the initial written production of students of two genders of argumentative bias. The results are revealing that students have difficulties related to the development of discursive-argumentative strategies of gender argumentative letter, but are competent in the capture of the point of view. It is made also a proposal for intervention in the form of a modular didactic sequence, aiming at the systematic work of specific difficulties identified in results. The results are revealing that students are competent in the capture of the point of view in opinion texts, but have difficulties related to the development of discursive-argumentative strategies of gender argumentative letter. It is made also a proposal for intervention in the form of a modular didactic sequence, aiming at the systematic work of specific difficulties identified in results.