
Pescadoras de camarão: gênero, mobilização e sustentabilidade na ilha Trambioca, Barcarena, Pará

Through this paper the relations between gender, social mobilizations and sustainability in the context of the Trambioca Island - Barcarena, Para, Brazil -, specially regarding the shrimp (Macrobrachium amazonicum) fisherwomen. The research was oriented by the anthropological methodology of fieldwor...

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Autor principal: SIMONIAN, Ligia Terezinha Lopes
Grau: Artigo
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2017
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Through this paper the relations between gender, social mobilizations and sustainability in the context of the Trambioca Island - Barcarena, Para, Brazil -, specially regarding the shrimp (Macrobrachium amazonicum) fisherwomen. The research was oriented by the anthropological methodology of fieldwork and by the photographic production, but strategies were incorporated in a way to allow data production to do an analysis towards the political economy. Fundamentally, it revealed an experience in which fisherwomen end being the highlight in the shrimp production in this Island, who participate in the entire process of production, of transformation of the raw material and of commercialization. In spite of the globalized environmental and economic crisis, such fisherwomen are proposing the raising of shrimp, through which they intend to raise the income. However, in such an organizational process, they perceive that the limits are many and that they need training and technology linked to the raising of shrimp and financing. Consequently, the implications to sustainability appear as many, in special if a possibility of a differentiated economy is to be taken into consideration.