
Variações do fonema /ʎ / no falar de quatro localidades do sudeste do Pará: uma descrição geo-sociolingüística

This research has as main objective at studying the variation of palatal lateral sound in the speech of 04 (four) cities of the Para State: Curionópolis, Itupiranga, Dom Eliseu and Tucuruí. Since their foundation, these cities have been receiving migrants from several areas of the country. The heter...

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Autor principal: SALVADOR, Carlene Ferreira Nunes
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2018
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/9428
This research has as main objective at studying the variation of palatal lateral sound in the speech of 04 (four) cities of the Para State: Curionópolis, Itupiranga, Dom Eliseu and Tucuruí. Since their foundation, these cities have been receiving migrants from several areas of the country. The heterogeneous constitution of the population provokes in these communities the emergence of linguistic variety that presents phonetics and grammatical features of several areas of the country. The sample of the community is made of 46 informants that are stratified socially. The methodological framework adopted is that of quantitative sociolinguistics and geography linguistics. Most of the linguistic phenomena presented here, specifically the phonetics ones are in variation. Most of them are produced in a systematic way happen, in a variable or systematic way practically in the whole national territory. The main external factor that can be responsible for the variation is the education level, which influences in the production of the phonetic phenomena. The VARBRUL statistic software was used to calculate the probabilities of the linguistics and social variables. The main results showed six varieties of /ʎ / phoneme.