
Caracterização, ações estratégicas e políticas públicas de implantação de sistemas agroflorestais no município de Paragominas-PA

Agroforestry systems can be considered as a more sustainable form of agriculture, playing a fundamental role in the pursuit of food and nutrition security, conservation and environmental improvement and the fight against rural poverty. SAF's in three chapters, the first is dedicated to reviewing the...

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Autor principal: SANTOS, Abimael Oliveira dos
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Pará 2023
Acesso em linha: https://repositorio.ifpa.edu.br/jspui/handle/prefix/395
Agroforestry systems can be considered as a more sustainable form of agriculture, playing a fundamental role in the pursuit of food and nutrition security, conservation and environmental improvement and the fight against rural poverty. SAF's in three chapters, the first is dedicated to reviewing the topic, the second aims to characterize the agroforestry systems identified in the municipality and the third will describe the municipal public policies and the implementation of SAF in a rural community in the territory of. Paragominas - Pa. To perform this work, a field research was conducted to collect data through a semi-structured questionnaire, which was applied to 309 families from 32 rural locations in Paragominas, which included questions related to the theme. such as: property characterization, presence or absence SAFs, species components of the system, production resulting from SAFs, production area, social organization, economic aspects, public policies and environmental aspects. The research identified some bottlenecks faced by farmers in agroforestry systems in the municipality, which stand out: the lack of adequate technical assistance and periodic frequency; the low educational level of farmers; the lack of documentation of land by most farmers; the lack of verticalization of production; the lack of diversification of marketing; bad roads and; low access to credit. However, despite the difficulties the producers and their respective SAFs studied have numerous positive results, especially in the social and environmental sphere, such as: most producers are part of some kind of social organization; most have already participated in some kind of technical training; Most of the production is marketed at fairs and in the local community, bringing producers and end consumers closer, reducing costs and consequently the price of the product, generating gains for both sides; low frequency of chemical use and; diversification of production, which brings year-round income to the families involved. The second stage of the work was built from bibliographic and documentary research to describe the public policies of Agroforestry Systems in the municipality and was also dedicated to the description of strategic actions of implementation of governmental SAF, such as Pará Forestry, Sustainable Rural Programs , Pronaf and actions of the Municipal Secretariat of Agriculture through the creation of the participatory Demonstration Unit of Agroforestry Systems - UDSAF in the Nazaré community, where several actions were developed as workshops, culminating in the holding of a Field Day for the dissemination of results