
Diagnóstico técnico produtivo dos agricultores da cooperativa D’Irituia

The present work refers to a technical productive diagnosis carried out with the farmers of the Cooperativa Agropecuária dos Produtores Irituienses- D‘Irituia. The municipality of Irituia is currently experiencing an agroecological transition process, driven primarily by the initiatives of family fa...

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Autor principal: CRUZ, Maria Géssica da Silva Vera
Outros Autores: COELHO, Roberta de Fatima Rodrigues, SOUSA, Romier da Paixão
Grau: Artigo
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Pará 2023
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The present work refers to a technical productive diagnosis carried out with the farmers of the Cooperativa Agropecuária dos Produtores Irituienses- D‘Irituia. The municipality of Irituia is currently experiencing an agroecological transition process, driven primarily by the initiatives of family farmers in the municipality who decide to innovate their production systems through the redesign of their agro-ecosystems. The idea of building a productive diagnosis, part of the need for these farmers to know and understand the productive potentials existing within the cooperative, and thus better evaluate and organize the production chain of the existing production lines, as well as think of action strategies based on the difficulties that affects each area, as a way to strengthen production and ensure a sustainable system. In this sense, the objective of the work was to carry out a technical diagnostic diagnosis of the production units of the farmers of Cooperativa D'Irituia, in order to contribute, in the future, to the elaboration of an action plan that strengthens the production units of the cooperative members who are passing by. through the agroecological transition process. Based on this need, a diagnosis was carried out with 28 farmers from the D‘Irituia cooperative, these producers are distributed in 17 communities, which allowed us to understand the dynamics of the production logic and the techniques used by the farmers of the D‘Irituia cooperative. There are many advances in the productive spheres, in the substitution of inputs, landscape redesign and diversification of production. However, fair price in commercialization, access to public policies such as rural credit, continuous technical assistance are still problems that limit production systems and can jeopardize the progress achieved so far, as they trigger other problems.