Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação

Musealização do acervo didático-científico de paleontologia do Centro de Ciências e Planetário do Pará

The Paleontological Heritage is formed by all the paleontological resources existing in national territory, in the public or private domain, provided they present scientific, educational and cultural values, such that they are considered entities or objects to be preserved for the next generations....

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Autor principal: MAIA, Rosaine Raele de Oliveira
Grau: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação
Publicado em: 2019
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The Paleontological Heritage is formed by all the paleontological resources existing in national territory, in the public or private domain, provided they present scientific, educational and cultural values, such that they are considered entities or objects to be preserved for the next generations. In this way, the didactic-scientific collection of paleontology of the Center of Sciences and Planetarium of Pará can be considered paleontological heritage, as a physical support of paleontological information, representing a part of the paleo-biogeological memory of the Amazon region and reflecting the history of life on earth. The didactic-scientific collections are important means of preserving this memory, allowing theoretical and practical knowledge to be developed, but they only perform these functions if they are communicated. Based on this idea the present work makes an analysis of the musealization of the didactic-scientific paleontological collection of the Center of Sciences and Planetarium of Pará, taking into account the musealization as a process of valuation of the objects divided in steps, which are: acquisition, documentation, Conservation and exhibition (in this research we use exposure as the main communication focus, taking into account that there are other communication media of collections). Through the process of musealization the fossils are deprived of their original function and covered with new meanings in the institution, and later they acquire the function of document, and thus represent a necessarily larger and more complex reality.