Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação

Minicoleções de fósseis: uma ferramenta museológica para a divulgação dos conteúdos de Paleontologia no ensino de Ciências

Museums have an important role in building of the science background and their professionals have a function to establish teaching strategies for dissemination of knowledge, intermediaries being in communication between the museum and its public. However, access to collections in museums is somethin...

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Autor principal: CARDOSO, Maria Bernadete da Silva
Grau: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação
Publicado em: 2019
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Museums have an important role in building of the science background and their professionals have a function to establish teaching strategies for dissemination of knowledge, intermediaries being in communication between the museum and its public. However, access to collections in museums is something far from the reality of most of the population, much of the knowledge produced in scientific collections of natural history museums, including paleontological collections, are restricted to a minority, being slightly enhanced the educational role of these institutions . Moreover, knowledge of Paleontology is an important tool for the understanding of the biology and geoscience therefore disclosure needs to be enlarged, especially in elementary education. This arose from the question regarding the Paleontology Collection, Coordenação de Ciências da Terra e Ecologia (CCTE), do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi (MPEG), where the material deposited is collected primarily from by paleontologists of institution. Once collected, the samples are treated and selected to compose the collections, which will be used to assist in scientific research. However, part of that is collected cannot compose scientific collections and thus, there is the need to give a destiny to these examples, showing the fossil material to the school community, and for this, mini collections were made with fossils Pirabas Formation (Para State), making these part of the school teaching resources that can be handled by teachers and students, taking easy and dynamic access. This initiative extrapolate the role of fossils, not just being targeted for research, but being mean to disseminate the concept of Museology and facilitating students' understanding of the geological past of the Earth and how fossils can tell this story. It is believed that this experience of direct material contact with fossil may establish a favorable and consistent educational bond.