Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação

Transmissão vertical do HIV: estudo da epidemiologia, incidência e profilaxia em hospital-escola da cidade de Belém no período de 1999 a 2004

The mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV causes nearly 85% of the cases of AIDS in the population less 13 years in Brazil and it can happens in tree moments: intrautero, intrapartum and pos-delivery, in this case, through breast-feeding. Even with any intervention the MTCT is not absolutely,...

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Autor principal: GOMES, Kllevison Nascimento
Outros Autores: VIEIRA, Larissa Neves
Grau: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação
Publicado em: 2023
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The mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV causes nearly 85% of the cases of AIDS in the population less 13 years in Brazil and it can happens in tree moments: intrautero, intrapartum and pos-delivery, in this case, through breast-feeding. Even with any intervention the MTCT is not absolutely, and it’s about 20%. It’s associated to virus’ factors (viral genotip), mothers’ factors (behavior, viral load, mother advanced disease, mother nutrition e antiretroviral therapy-ART), obstetric’s factors (assistence in pregnancy, annex’s disturbs, type of delivery), newborn’s factors (prematurity and low weight of born <2500g) and related breast-feeding factors. In the purpose of knowing the epidemiologic and social profile of the HIV positiv pregnants, the introdution and effectivity of profilatics measures recommended by the Healthy Department to reduce the MTCT, this study was realized with horizontal and retrospectiv character, with analisys of 164 dossiers from HIV positiv pregnants attended in Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Pará, in period from January of 1999 to December of 2004, and newborn’s dossiers research during the acompaniment in referency places mother and infant UREMIA and Casa Dia, in Belém. It was observed that HIV positiv pregnants had age about 25 years, the majority was single, house-worker, from areas nearly Belém, was in the second pregnancy and didn’t know her sorologic status before pregnancy. The results from this work showed statistic significance when ART, cesaria delivery and artificial breast feeding were associated with MTCT rates. In mothers who used ART in some moment of the pregnancy, delivery other before pregnancy, the transmission happened only in 2,4% of the cases, meanwhile in who didn’t make ART, MTCT rates was about 50% (p<0,001). When cesarea was realized MTCT rates was 2,7%, seven times lesser when compared to natural delivery (21,1%) (p=0,016). MTCT rates reached 80% in children who received breast feeding; in children who didn’t received MTCT rates was 3,4%, twenty-three times lesser, and it showed statistic significance by Fisher’s Teste (p<0,001). Although the profilatics measures have been efficients to reduce MTCT rates, it was about 7%, still elevated, if compared to other studies realized in another regions of Brazil. But is important to know that before Projeto Nascer (Born Project) implantation, in november of 2002, by the Healthy Department from Brazil, there’s any protocolo of MTCT profilaxis, and the rates of infection were higher. This affected the results of MTCT from this study, because all the children infected were born in period from January of 1999 to september of 2002.