Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação

Inclusão de alunos com TEA na escola regular: balanço da produção científica

This work has the general objective to investigate the scientific production about the inclusion of students with ASD in regular schools. Based on this assumption, we have as specific objectives: to present an overview of the inclusion of students with ASD in regular schools and highlight possibl...

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Autor principal: SOUSA, Tainá Gomes de
Grau: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação
Publicado em: 2023
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This work has the general objective to investigate the scientific production about the inclusion of students with ASD in regular schools. Based on this assumption, we have as specific objectives: to present an overview of the inclusion of students with ASD in regular schools and highlight possible difficulties, pedagogical and methodological strategies emphasized in the works. For this, it uses a qualitative approach research, in which the entire consensus of the search for numbers, in order to be used as a result, is ignored, because in the qualitative it seeks to understand the social involving the emotions and feelings of the subjects, carried out through a systematic review. Of literature. Approaches on the subject, research cannot stagnate, on the contrary, we must address this issue so that we can elucidate more and more paths for a full inclusion of autistics in all environments. This narrative review sought to identify and discuss a set of publications in academic journals, linked to education, present in the Online Scientific Electronic Library (Scielo). Priority was given to Brazilian productions and the period from 2008 to 2022, which coincides with the beginning of the Special Education Policy from the perspective of Inclusive Education (PNEE) in which students with PDD (Global Development Disorders) are included in the target audience of education. Special. It is of extreme and urgent need to broaden the discussion on inclusion for all sectors, it is necessary to re-signify the pedagogical practices already consolidated so that we can serve this group in an increasingly specialized and humane way.