
Criação do curso de extensão “conhecendo a indústria 4.0 sob o olhar da ciência”

One of the phenomena that has been the subject of numerous technical, scientific and technological studies at the national and international level is Industry 4.0. Its impacts have been felt in all dimensions of associated human life, especially in education. Due to the inseparable relationship b...

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Autor principal: Souza, Silvestre Sales de
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Brasil 2021
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ifam.edu.br/jspui/handle/4321/501
One of the phenomena that has been the subject of numerous technical, scientific and technological studies at the national and international level is Industry 4.0. Its impacts have been felt in all dimensions of associated human life, especially in education. Due to the inseparable relationship between work and education, it is necessary to analyze the impacts of this movement not only in the industrial area, but also in other areas of acitivy. The general objective of the present study was to create an extension course that dealt with the main aspects of Industry 4.0 from the point of view of science. Therefore, the scientific-technological method was used in its two dimensions, the scientific and the technological, each consisting of four phases. The scientific dimension was operationalized through bibliometric studies, whose data were collected with the aid of a stantardizated questionnaire called “data mass” in scientific articles, dissertations and theses available in the Google Scholar and Science Direct databases; semantic and content analysis allowed to organize the data so that the sought answers could be found and presented in syntethsize charts. The responses of the scientific dimension were handled following the steps of the technological dimension, whose the first stage was the development of a prototype of the course, whose component modules were: a) industrial revolutions, b) that is industry 4.0, c) characteristics of industry 4.0, d) pros and cons of industry 4.0, and e) impacts of industry 4.0. The second stage consisted of testing the prototype with a general public to assess handling, recommendation to the other users, reliability of the content, understanding obtained, satisfaction with the course and assistance in understanding everyday issues associated with industry 4.0. Adjustments were and made to those aspects considered unsatisfactory by users, so that they could be in accordance with their recommendations made in the previous testing tape. After the adjustments made by public were approved, the product was considered finished. The results obtained showed that the extension course created fulfilled the purpose of sharing knowledge about industry 4.0 with a scientific base with the external community. The product is characterized by presenting a didactic and objective language without detracting from the scientific view of the studied phenomenon. The benefit generated by the extension course was to provide users with the scientifically based knowledge about Industry 4.0 in a consistent way, wich allows them to understand their realities and act of them proactively.