
O gênero textual relatório de estágio na educação profissional técnica de nível médio: articulação de fundamentos para uma formação politécnica

Polytechnical formation is based on principles that reinforce the integration between multiple dimensions of human development and in the ontological perspective of work. As a consequence, this master’s research, situated in the field of Professional and Technological High School Education (EPTMN...

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Autor principal: Silva, Gilson Allefy Chaves da
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Brasil 2021
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ifam.edu.br/jspui/handle/4321/624
Polytechnical formation is based on principles that reinforce the integration between multiple dimensions of human development and in the ontological perspective of work. As a consequence, this master’s research, situated in the field of Professional and Technological High School Education (EPTMN), brings to the center of discussion the formative space of the professional internship, focusing on the discursive gender report. And so, we aim to understand how the Professional Internship Report of IFAM's technical high school courses can coordinate aspects of polytechnical trainig in its textual construction process. For this, we restric this study to the “Manaus Centro” Campus of the referred institute, highlighting as participating subjects the professional internship advisors. In this context, we reached four courses linked to the integrated and subsequent offers – eletrotechnics, mechanics, computers and buildings -, enphasizing two main stages of investigation: documentary research and online field research. Thus, we used the questionnaire and the semi-structured interview as a data collection technique, highlighting the qualitative approach. In this direction, we relied on Content analysis procedures (BARDIN, 2016) to systematize, discuss and structure the necessary inferences to confirm the discursive information. Still in this trajectory, we built an educational product wich purpose was to interfere in the indetified issues and contribute to the written orientation process of the textual genre used. So, we found that, in order to articulate aspects of the polytechnic formation, it is fundamental that the internship report goes through a constructive process that stimulates the expansion of the students knowledge and integrates the theoretical and technical dimensions, avoiding a critical look at the work. With this, we emphasize the relevance of na educational material that considers the fundamentals and the integrations proposed by the polytechnics, as well as the conception of textual genres from a socio-discursive point of view. In addition to that, we also emphasize the need of contributions directed to the internship advisor, who has an evidente role on the elaboration of the report. Moreover, we stress that this research is based on the research line "Organization and Memories of Pedagogical Spaces in Vocational and Technological Education", whose bases are present in the Macroproject "History and memories in the context of EFA", according to the guidelines of the Professional Master in Vocational and Technological Education (ProfEPT).