Entrelaçamentos da vida no cárcere entre educação, saúde e lazer

This study aimed to draw a parallel between Education, Health and Leisure for People Deprived of Liberty in Cristalândia. Penal Unit 150 km from the capital of Tocantins, Palmas. The base is structured in 3 articles in which we address the areas of health, education and leisure, the fourth cha...

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Autor principal: Gomes, Andrey Viana
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: 2021
Acesso em linha: http://hdl.handle.net/11612/2747
This study aimed to draw a parallel between Education, Health and Leisure for People Deprived of Liberty in Cristalândia. Penal Unit 150 km from the capital of Tocantins, Palmas. The base is structured in 3 articles in which we address the areas of health, education and leisure, the fourth chapter, we interweave everyone. In the first articles, an exploratory research was carried out with the proposed theme, based on demanding bibliographies on consolidated scientific research platforms. The last article 4, was built from an exploratory research in the field, with semi-structured interview, in which the results were analyzed based on the understanding of the interviewed subject, understanding the assessed phenomenon, with the perception and protagonism in the context in which he lives. As a result, in the field of education, it was observed that the prison environment was the last to be consolidated into a law, but that it is not yet fully implemented, requiring adjustments in the curricular, pedagogical structure and equipped physical spaces. When it comes to health, it was evident that the regulations between regulations, legislation, and ordinances, cover what is expected for comprehensive care, however the agreements between health teams and penal units, form a gap, preventing the hindering access of the primary, secondary care and high complexity in health. In terms of leisure, we are concerned with the lack of adequate spaces, strong will of the custodians to have, however, even as a social right, it requires that managers reflect that the practice of leisure is fundamental for the reinsertion of the subject who is serving time society.