
Os avanços e desafios da educação escolar indigena no estado do tocantins no periódo de 1999 a 2018.

The present work shows the effect of an investigation carried out on THE ADVANCES AND CHALLENGES OF INDIGENOUS SCHOOL EDUCATION IN THE STATE OF TOCANTINS IN THE PERIOD FROM 1999 TO 2018. The objective of the work was to prepare research according to the theme and thus provoke the reader to refl...

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Autor principal: Silva, Elâinny Cristina Santos da
Grau: Monografia
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Tocantins 2023
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The present work shows the effect of an investigation carried out on THE ADVANCES AND CHALLENGES OF INDIGENOUS SCHOOL EDUCATION IN THE STATE OF TOCANTINS IN THE PERIOD FROM 1999 TO 2018. The objective of the work was to prepare research according to the theme and thus provoke the reader to reflect, analysis and discussions. In this way, we point out the advances and challenges in indigenous school education in Tocantins. The work is based on bibliographic/qualitative research and documents. The work had as its context a historical trajectory since the times when the Indians did not have access to education. With the researches, we have legislation that is important to mention because it was the first advance for these indigenous peoples, as rights to a differentiated education. The study seeks to analyze how this differentiated teaching is conducted, how are teachers included in these villages, what type of training do they have? So we went deeper into the research, for these questions, because for them, what would all these advances do given that for them the differentiated word is as if they didn't have the same privileges as people who studied in the city, because for them it was a challenge to face the new. The laws seek to value the peoples of the villages, giving them the right to have a school in their village, with several programs aimed directly at them, since the constitution of 1988 , these advances have been made for Brazil and thereby ensure indigenous interests, keeping your mother tongue and customs. In Tocantins we have the (FUNAI) which is the National Indian Foundation, the (CEE) State Council for Indigenous School Education which was created on March 14 , 2005 , in Palmas/To during government decree. No 2 ,367, the MEC, SEDUC, among others, in which it generates a very broad and specific pedagogical policy.