
Gestão de conteúdos informacionais nas Instituições Federais de ensino superior: um roteiro para implantação de repositórios nas Bibliotecas Universitárias

The Institutional Repository is a key part of the scientific dissemination process, offering new opportunities for information sharing, contributing to the development of science, as it provides visibility, storage and retrieval of information from the scientific productions of Universities. IR adhe...

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Autor principal: SHIBAYAMA, Marília Dione Salvador
Grau: Dissertação
Publicado em: UNIFAP - Universidade Federal do Amapá 2022
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.unifap.br:80/jspui/handle/123456789/723
The Institutional Repository is a key part of the scientific dissemination process, offering new opportunities for information sharing, contributing to the development of science, as it provides visibility, storage and retrieval of information from the scientific productions of Universities. IR adheres to the Open Access movement to scientific information. In addition to serving as a financial sustainability that aims to contribute to society through support and research development. In order to consolidate all the information necessary to carry out the desirable activities, thus ensuring greater assertiveness and prior correction of any problems, a Guide with guidelines for the implementation of Institutional Repositories in University Libraries is presented. As a research technique, a qualitative approach is adopted, using literature review, exploratory research and documental survey. A survey was carried out in the Registry of Open Access Repositories - ROAR Directory of Federal Universities that have IR and that use Dspace. This Directory lists all Open Access Academic Repositories, allows identification, navigation and search of Repositories based on a range of resources such as location, software or type of material maintained. As a roadmap strategy, there are important phases, such as the construction of the Guideline, the draft Institutional Repository Management Policies, the User Manual, Software requirements for implementing the Repository and the Communication Plan. Despite advances in the implementation of RI in Federal Universities, it was found that there are still libraries that do not use this tool, because of the 69 Brazilian Federal Universities, 34 Institutions have RI, that is, about 49% of the Institutions, according to ROAR. Therefore, based on the relevance of scientific knowledge produced in Brazil, the Repository has the role of boosting technological development and innovation, contributing to the production of knowledge, research and expansion of access to the intellectual production of Higher Education Institutions - HEI for that the population knows what has been done in the academic and scientific spheres.