
Representação social de ciência de estudantes do ensino fundamental da rede municipal de Belém

This work tells a descriptive research accomplished among students of the fundamental teaching of the municipal teach net of Belém, with the objectives of identifying the social representation of Science that those students possess, besides to understand the contents and to identify the tendencies o...

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Autor principal: CASTRO, Sinaida Maria Vasconcelos de
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: Portuguese
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2011
Acesso em linha: http://www.repositorio.ufpa.br:8080/jspui/handle/2011/1821
This work tells a descriptive research accomplished among students of the fundamental teaching of the municipal teach net of Belém, with the objectives of identifying the social representation of Science that those students possess, besides to understand the contents and to identify the tendencies of central nucleus revealed in those representations. The research had as subjects 124 students of a school of the municipal net of Belém, which 65 of them were studying third cycle and 59 the fourth cycle of the fundamental teaching. among the 124, 52 are male and 72 are female, distributed among the age groups from 10 to 17 years old. Such representations are discussed having as theoretical-methodological references the theory of Serge Moscovici's social representations, and their complemental theories, as the Theory of Jean-Claude Abric's Central Nucleus. The data collected through questionnaires, composed by an opened subject and one of free evocation was analyzed being used the technique of content analysis and of Vergès, respectively. The analysis of the data revealed us the restricted vinculation of the Science to the discipline school Sciences and some of their contents, as human body and environment, among others. Those results let us to conclude that such representations are strongly linked the approach adopted by the teaching of Sciences, still predominantly prescriptive and propedeutic. As conclusion we evidence the necessity of the Science teachers formation, in the expectation of making possible the implementation of teaching proposals that you/they intend to break, with traditional model, as Scientific Literacy and Science, Technology and Society (CTS), in that way contributing for the formation to active citizens' in a critical and creative way formation in our society.