
Serviço de referência em bibliotecas universitárias: em busca da eficiência pela gestão da informação e do conhecimento

We present the results of a study done in the course of carrying out the discipline Practice Management Information Unit, Faculty of Biblioteconomia/ICSAUFPA, under the coordination of Professor Williams Jorge C. Pinheiro. In this phase, we developed study on the efficiency of service in university...

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Autor principal: PINHEIRO, Williams Jorge Correa
Outros Autores: SANTOS, Caio Tobit Carvalho dos, SANTOS, Carla Marques do, LIMA, Claudia Cristina Carmo, SAMPAIO, Cristiane Aniceto, SANTOS, Daniela Araújo, PANTOJA, Derivan Alves, DIREITO, Eduardo R., SOUSA, Eliane Costa de, MAIA, Élida Lopes Maia, NASCIMENTO, Maria de N. S. do, COSTA, Nubia Nazaré da, SANTOS, Paula Stephanie Sodré dos, SILVA, Samantha L. B. da, ASSUNÇÃO, Suelene Santana, SILVA, Vanessa Lopes da, OLIVEIRA, Waldinea costa de
Grau: Artigo
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2017
Acesso em linha:
We present the results of a study done in the course of carrying out the discipline Practice Management Information Unit, Faculty of Biblioteconomia/ICSAUFPA, under the coordination of Professor Williams Jorge C. Pinheiro. In this phase, we developed study on the efficiency of service in university libraries in the University Campus of Guamá-UFPA, in Belem, Pa. The project aims to implement a series of actions that seek to contribute to a better use of spaces in university libraries, with priority to propose expanding the number of information services at the user service area, making its most effective results, the point of view of the management of information and knowledge. It was adopted as a methodology to develop the project through annual plans, depending on the progress of semesters at UFPA. Based on plans that are defined, it was desirable to integrate the actions with the areas of teaching, research and extension. He appealed to the brainstorming technique to define the actions implemented; held meetings with active librarians in university libraries; applied research questionnaires with users; evaluated the level of satisfaction of the user service sector; It sought to determine the degree of interest in new services offered by libraries; held literature on resources used for efficiency in the aspects of accessibility of the law, and finally a meeting was presented the results for some of the campus librarians. The study had as target students of various courses of UFPA, with sampling of 400 students participating, representing 10% of users / day attending libraries Campus Guamá. Thus it reached to 362 students (88%) and 38 undergraduate students (12%) graduate, investigating the level of user satisfaction, especially on the reference services that libraries offer.