
Instrumentos do estado e dos atores sociais no uso sustentável da Reserva Extrativista Mapuá - Marajó

Amazon Region is the Brazilian region with the most Conservation Units (CU), particularly Extractive Reserves (ER). ER Mapuá, in Marajó, is one of them and it is the empiric source for this research. This theses sought to analyze the State’s instruments and the social actors in the process of constr...

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Autor principal: AMARAL, Vanessa Silva do
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2017
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/7850
Amazon Region is the Brazilian region with the most Conservation Units (CU), particularly Extractive Reserves (ER). ER Mapuá, in Marajó, is one of them and it is the empiric source for this research. This theses sought to analyze the State’s instruments and the social actors in the process of constructing a social policy for social sustainability in the ER Mapuá since its foundation in 2005. For this purpose, the following specific aims were considered: a) analyzing the interests and impacts emerged from the institutionalization process being a ER; b) identifying and describing development policies already promoted in the ER Mapuá; c) identifying and analyzing the sociopolitical conflicts in the public policies that are promoting sustainability in the ER Mapuá taking as a basis the SANEAR Amazônia Project. The relevance of this study is in the fact that exist lacks in the debate about CU among them the following: a) State’s role, its instruments of planning and management; b) how the State dialogues with the local actors in the socioenvironmental sustainability process and the conflicts between the "actors"; c) how the local actors conduct their own socioenvironmental sustainability taking the State as a sponsor for the whole process. Field research, direct observation, participative research, oral reports from the local inhabitants, photographs, interviews with an ICMBIO representative and the Neighborhood Association were performed. Two theoretical sources were used for analyzing: the neo-institutionalist theory, proposed by Hall and Taylor, and the Bourdieu's field theory. The main State’s instrument is the use of legal procedures (the Decree which created the Mapuá Extractive Reserve is one of them) in order to control potential deforestation as well as to value identities, local knowledge, and population’s health; and the State being sponsor and facilitator of policies "created" by the ER’s neighborhood association. The Project SANEAR is something emblematic also because of its function as an instrument for the social actors in the Mapuá Reserve, especially for stablishing partnerships with the federal and state government to qualify and enable development through social technologies, mostly those ones related to health and sanitation. Nevertheless, this project is a “Public Policy Try”- “model”. Even with this “Public Policy Try” significant results were obtained, in other ERs – particularly in what concerns to reduction of diseases related to water intake (river water) and the promoting of sustainability (socio) environmental, it has two questionable points: 1) it is not a continuing and intersectoral public policy; 2) it did not happen in a democratic way, with social cooperation for its construction.