
Investigando epistemologias espontaneas de professores de matematica sobre o ensino de equacoes do primeiro grau

In this studied it is presented the results of a research with 23 Mathematics teachers who attended postgraduation in Mathematics Didactics, about how to conceive the algebra and how to introduce the theme of Equations from the First Degree. The objective was to verify which characteristics of th...

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Autor principal: SANTOS, Alex Bruno Carvalho dos
Grau: Dissertação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: Universidade Federal do Pará 2017
Acesso em linha: http://repositorio.ufpa.br/jspui/handle/2011/8533
In this studied it is presented the results of a research with 23 Mathematics teachers who attended postgraduation in Mathematics Didactics, about how to conceive the algebra and how to introduce the theme of Equations from the First Degree. The objective was to verify which characteristics of the dominant epistemological model on teaching algebra are revealed in the conceptions of the teachers investigated. The key point of the research was: In which measures the establishment of a didactic system with characteristics of a Course of Study and Research interferes in the spontaneous epistemology of Mathematics teachers about teaching the equations of the first degree? The research was realized in 06 sessions in which it wasused a questionnaire with the subjects; recorded the socialization of his ideas about their conceptions of algebra and its teaching. To accomplish the sessions it was adopted as the methodological procedure Course of Study and Research. The results show, as the spontaneous epistemology teacher, the predominant view of algebra in the sense of operation with letters and numbers and generalizing patterns, which characterizes it as generalized arithmetic. In this sense, algebra is seen as an extension and generalization of arithmetic practices. In respect to the question of the research, it was found that the process of study permitted to the subjects consciousness of taking into account the epistemological aspects of teaching algebra, however, it was not seen significant changes in their spontaneous epistemology, after comparing their discourses at the beginning of the research by presenting their research at the end of praxeology.