Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Especialização

Educação ambiental na escola pública assimilando o aprendizado a partir de novas práticas sociais e culturais: estudo de caso na Escola de Ensino Fundamental Almirante Renato Guillobel, Belém PA

this work deals with an investigation on the subject Environmental Education in Public School: a case study in the Elementary School Admiral Renato Guillobel, where it was possible to identify the actions of the education program at a public school in relation to environmental education, seeking a v...

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Autor principal: MELO, Maria Izanete Pantoja de
Grau: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Especialização
Publicado em: 2019
Acesso em linha:
this work deals with an investigation on the subject Environmental Education in Public School: a case study in the Elementary School Admiral Renato Guillobel, where it was possible to identify the actions of the education program at a public school in relation to environmental education, seeking a virtuous circle to gain knowledge and educational transformation in order to preserve the environment. Theoretical support literature search of descriptive research on the history and concepts about the environment, and their general problem was mainly carried out in relation to waste. The case study drew methodologically conducting informal interviews and filling out questionnaires with mixed questions for each ten 22 students (twenty-two) students in the 6th grade of elementary school, and a cycle of three lectures on the problem of waste, through which we attempted to analyze the experience and knowledge of the students on the subject, extracting the final result from the answers provided. Comparisons between what should be a clean educational space and demarcation of alternatives to build a pedagogical practice that involves the overall formation of the subject with emphasis on preservation of the environment in which they were made. Despite favoring environmental education in the school environment, also made a brief analysis on Environmental Education in the urban environment.