Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação

A Educação em direitos humanos como eixo do planejamento curricular na educação básica: uma experiência no PIBID Pedagogia da UFPA

This article is the result of the author's experiences in the teaching initiation stage carried out in the Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Scholarships (PIBID), in the subproject Interdisciplinary practices of literacy and literacy in elementary education, of the Pedagogy course of the...

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Autor principal: PANTOJA, Suellen Beatriz Barroso
Grau: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação
Idioma: por
Publicado em: 2022
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This article is the result of the author's experiences in the teaching initiation stage carried out in the Institutional Program for Teaching Initiation Scholarships (PIBID), in the subproject Interdisciplinary practices of literacy and literacy in elementary education, of the Pedagogy course of the University of Bragança campus Federal do Pará. The research study object focused on Human Rights Education in the curricular planning of the PIBID field school, located in the city of Bragança-Pa. As a general objective, we sought to understand the place of EDH in school planning and in the pedagogical practice of teachers from the early years of elementary school. The questions that motivated the research were: How and when did the debate about EDH emerge at the Júlia Quadros Peinado school? What are the school's main initiatives to include human rights as a curricular theme? What effective space did the themes referring to human rights have in the planning and curricular practice of teachers? What are the main challenges and obstacles to the development of EDH at school? The research followed a qualitative approach, being developed through documentary analysis, in which the school documents related to the curricular planning for the year 2019 were focused. Also, participant observation and dialogues with school agents (managers , pedagogical coordination and teachers) at different stages of the internship. As a result, it was found that, although there was a great effort on the part of school agents to include some issues related to human rights in the curriculum planning, at the moment when the selection of the contents to be worked on during the year is made, the themes little reflected this concern, ending up becoming evasive and distant from the problem issues experienced by the school community. From the pedagogical point of view, what was still possible to observe in everyday classroom practices is that a good part of the teachers continued to use methodological strategies specific to transmissive teaching and the actions remained much more focused on generic information and that little space it was dedicated to listening, dialogue, research and the study of contextualized situations. Finally, it was found that there is a lot of resistance on the part of everyone in the school to deal with EDH issues, as this involves moral values, beliefs, customs that need to be challenged. EDH is always a dispute that divides opinions, however, these issues permeate the daily lives of many students and their families.