Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação

Doenças ocupacionais e a exposição ao agente físico ruído: um estudo de caso das condições de trabalho e clima de segurança dos funcionários em uma empresa frigorifica no município de Abaetetuba/Pa

This course completion work addresses the theme; Occupational Diseases and exposure to the physical agent noise: a case study of the working conditions and safety climate of employees in a meatpacking company in the municipality of Abaetetuba/Pa. Through it, we seek to verify whether the work enviro...

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Autor principal: QUARESMA JUNIOR, Raimundo da Silva
Grau: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação
Publicado em: 2023
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This course completion work addresses the theme; Occupational Diseases and exposure to the physical agent noise: a case study of the working conditions and safety climate of employees in a meatpacking company in the municipality of Abaetetuba/Pa. Through it, we seek to verify whether the work environment guarantees employees safety and prevention of occupational diseases, in order to guarantee and protect workers from risks and accidents at work and whether they are aware of the aforementioned theme and the laws that ensure their rights, a qualitative, quantitative, applied methodology and the case study method are presented, at first a bibliographical analysis will be carried out in order to support this theoretical study, bringing together texts, books, articles, dissertations and commented or translated works, in order to gather a vast scientific theoretical reference. Then, a questionnaire was applied to complement this academic research, divided into 03 (three) groups, being them, group 1 - Knowledge about work safety, divided into 10 topics with 53 questions, containing classification of degrees of importance (1 - total disagreement to 6 – total agreement); group 2 - Occupational Injuries, with 11 questions with their subtopics and group 3 - Socio-Demographic Data, with 10 questions addressed to its 25 (twenty-five) participants, being the same employees of the meatpacking company in the municipality of Abaetetuba/Pá. With the questionnaires containing their answers in hand, the systematization and analysis of the data obtained during the interview and application of the questionnaire began. Considering all the factors that interfere in the performance of the employees, such as those mentioned and diagnosed through the application and analysis of the questionnaires, they pointed out some problems that must be solved in order to create a propitious environment that guarantees the employee an environment of safety and accident prevention, seeking to protect from physical noise risks, providing them with knowledge about the aforementioned theme and the laws that guarantee their rights.