Promoção do acesso à leitura e à justiça pública aos adolescentes em conflito com a lei:

This research sought to understand how conditions of social vulnerability tend to produce school vulnerability, not ensuring education as a substantive freedom. We will show, analytically, that despite the conditions of social vulnerability in which teenagers in compliance with the socio-educatio...

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Autor principal: Carneiro, Téssia Gomes
Idioma: pt_BR
Publicado em: 2023
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This research sought to understand how conditions of social vulnerability tend to produce school vulnerability, not ensuring education as a substantive freedom. We will show, analytically, that despite the conditions of social vulnerability in which teenagers in compliance with the socio-educational measure of the Centro de Internação Provisória (CEIP Norte) are immersed, the project Reading: Space of freedom produced effects in the identification network of interned students. We will present the project and its execution, which, by making structural improvements to the Monteiro Lobato library, served teenagers interned at CEIP Norte and also other students from Escola Castro Alves, in order to promote the meeting of internees with a reading space, when even so physical distance was one of the obstacles to access. The project, developed by the Public Defender of Tocantins in partnership with the Public Ministry of Labor, under the supervision of professors who advise the Thesis, expanded the library’s catalog of literary works, as well as allowing the displacement of teenagers to the renovated space during external activities of reading, which are noted in the respective Individual Service Plans. The digital inclusion of the library, until then not informatized, took place during the execution of the project through the free software BIBLIVRE, which allowed the automation of the collection and facilitated circulation by controlling queries, reservations, loans and returns of its copies. To say about the focus of this work, we were interested in analyzing and problematizing the formation of readers at CEIP Norte; pointing out the practical consequences of reading in daily internment for adolescents and their perceptions about the reading practices developed by the Portuguese language teacher and the unit’s pedagogue professional. In other words, the way reading actions were applied in their various forms (literature, computing, cinema) offered through the intervention of the DPE and its partners, in order to get to know the young reader interned in that precarious unit in the north of Tocantins. To guide our actions and research, in a qualitative approach, we used participant observation and semi-structured interviews (applied to a group of teenagers, the Portuguese language teacher and the pedagogue professional from the CEIP Norte unit) in an ethnographic perspective. With this research, we hope to contribute so that these young people become familiar with and get closer to the written texts and, with that, build their own intimate space, allowing them to encounter the unique experience of reading, meeting our human need to symbolize. Furthermore, we hope to contribute to the reflection on the current situation of the socio-educational system in Tocantins, pointing to the need to rethink the internment process in order to comply with measures in an environment that does not comply with current laws and public policies.