Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação

Gêneros textuais: um estudo com o gênero história em quadrinhos no 7º ano da escola “São Felipe”

This paper presents some reflections and analyzes focused on the textual genres , this idea came from a preliminary verification conducted with the students of the 7 th grade in St. Philip School , located in the district of Palmares, Tailândia city in the State of Pará, whose focus the research was...

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Autor principal: BASTOS, Clenis Santiago
Grau: Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação
Publicado em: 2023
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This paper presents some reflections and analyzes focused on the textual genres , this idea came from a preliminary verification conducted with the students of the 7 th grade in St. Philip School , located in the district of Palmares, Tailândia city in the State of Pará, whose focus the research was to understand the textual genres favored by students and how they are motivated and can take pleasure in the practice of reading and writing at school . Thus, we took as a theoretical basis, as authors, Marcuschi ( 2011 ), and Dolz Schneuwly ( 2004 ) among others. For this, we performed workshops textual production in school, from a textual approach to gender Comic; showing the pedagogic practice developed with students between 12 and 15 years old and reported orally and through writing experiences. We also took aim at understanding the discursive spaces in the proposed activities with the language: speaking, reading and textual production, developed in the classroom. The school, by emphasizing activities with textual genres, helps the students to form a positive view of the world, assisting in their growth and contributing to the healthy development of their skills and competencies in the teaching and learning of mother tongue. Therefore, it became clear that the application of genre comics can be a powerful pedagogical tool for teaching, thus realizing a favorable awakening to the practice of reading and textual production in the classroom.